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Friday, August 1, 2008

More Thing 21

I joined Crafter. I love it. I enjoy finding and reading about crafting projects, with the best intentions of using them with teens or personally. If that never comes to pass, I still really groove on the research process.

I want to learn to sew, and Craftster has rich pickings for various projects. I want to make a almost no sew t-shirt for my upcoming Breaking Dawn party at the library and I got a good idea there, but unfortunately the tutorial's pictures are missing. Nevertheless, If I have time I will pursue this. I've ordered t-shirt surgery books from the library to see if one of them covers the project (corset-laced tee).

So far, I've found Craftster an excellent place to browse, and I love the bookmarking feature. I was less successful searching for a certain craft. I want to make magnets at the B.D. party, but I couldn't find any inspiration when searching under "magnets." Maybe I'll be more successful as I grow to know the site better.
One of the cute thing that I found was Marian the Sock Monkey Librarian (see above and find her at
I like her little bun!

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